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Our vision is RH/FP information, services and supplies accessible to every Ugandan,everywhere.


Our mission is to scale up access to RH/FP information, services and supplies throughcollaboration, coordination, advocacy and knowledge management.


UFPC Objectives:

  1. Increase sharing and utilization of knowledge and best practices among RH/FP practitioners for the purposes of increasing effectiveness of practice.

  2. Strengthen planning, management, and implementation of RH/FP activities through coordinating mechanisms involving a broad range of stakeholders, including the private sector and civil society organizations.

  3. Improve RH and FP policies at the country level to create a policy environment that will support universal access to RH/FP in the Uganda.

  4. Build the secretariat’s human, technical and institutional capacity to coordinate member organizations to implement effective RH/FP practices

Above: UFPC Member organisations representatives after a consortium meeting in July 2015.

UFPC is registered as a consortium run by the secretariate that coordinates a network of RH/FP practitioners and partners to advance the cause of RH/FP in Uganda through leadership, advocacy, technical assistance and knowledge management.


Current Members:

* Founding members



OUR history:


Founded in 2010, UFPC is the first one of its kind non-profit membership organisation in Uganda and Africa that brings together local and international actors in Family Planning (FP) and Reproductive Health (RH). UFPC provides a united voice from member organisations to advocate for effective response to FP/RH needs in Uganda.


The consortium first came together to overcome restrictions imposed by the Ugandan National Medical Stores (NMS) on access to contraceptive commodities by private-sector FP providers, threatening 60 percent of FP service delivery. Through collective voluntary action, the UFPC was able to work effectively with the Government of Uganda (GOU) to regain access to commodities and establish an alternate delivery system.



© 2016 by Uganda Family Planning Consortium (UFPC)

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Find us: 

Plot 20-21 & 27-28, Martrys Crescent, Ntinda.

Kampala, Uganda.

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