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Launch of the state of Uganda and state of the world population reports.

​The Population secretariat-Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development will today 3rd December 2015 launch the state of Uganda and state of the world population reports.


Look out for the highlights of the reports and the full report will available in the resources section under the Knowledge hub.

Expanding membership:

​UFPC is working towards increasing its membership so that all actors in RH/FP can have a common voice to improve access to RH/FP services.

Our most recent sign ups are; JHPIEGO, CDFU, HEPs-Uganda, and UNHCO


To join the consortium please contact the secretariat.

Extension of Access Pricing for Contraceptive Implant Implanon NXT

MSD and partners have announced an extension of access pricing for contraceptive implant implanon NXT in the poorest countries of focus for the reproductive health community. IMPLANON® and IMPLANON NXT are innovative, highly effective (> 99%), non-user dependent implants that offer three years of pregnancy protection through a one-time single insertion by a trained healthcare worker.


The London Summit on Family Planning in July 2012 mobilized global policy, financing, commodity and service delivery commitments to support the rights of women to voluntarily use contraceptives without coercion or discrimination.


This commitment from MSD and partners is a big step in that direction.

The International Conference on Family Planning took place on 25-28 January, 2016, in Nusa Dua, Indonesia.


UFPC Resource data base:

To suppport consortium members improve documentation and access to FP/RH (including other learning materials) documents, policies and manuals; the secretariat has developed a resource data base which is a working document to be updated frequently.

The data base documents are accessible to UFPC members only.




© 2016 by Uganda Family Planning Consortium (UFPC)

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Plot 20-21 & 27-28, Martrys Crescent, Ntinda.

Kampala, Uganda.

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